Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Btw.It seems like fairly busy times again for me & Minna. We get to spend maybe like 1-3 hours per evening together. It sucks! It's been ages since we've last had a chance to cook properly together - with a little wine and so on... hrmm
Wellm we are going to see the play "Putoavia Enkeleitä" tomorrow, should be fun. Then I'm going to a gig on thursday (Ben Granfelt-Band & Crumbland), venue: On the Rocks. Then, it's time to work: friday evening + saturday morning, blah! Oh well, at least school pressure is starting to ease off a little. Today was a day off from school for me, but I still had to wake up at around 10am and work till 1:20pm doing *sarcasm* interesting *sarcasm* stuff like Fault-Tree-Analysis, Ishikawa diagrams & Pareto Histograms. The course is Quality Management. Iso 9001 and so on. Fantastic! :P
Anyway, it's time to Call Ali and go outdoors. Clear blue skies and +8'c wait for us. Plus a pint or two..
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Hey! Update time. What's happened? I got the English project done, finally! Does it make my life any easier? Guess :P We saw Scandinavian Music Group live at Tavastia on wednesday, for the 4th time now. I confess, I'm a fan! :) They had videocameras there, maybe we will end up on tv or on a dvd.. we were around 1,5 meters from the performers. It was a special setup: unplugged & acoustic, they had moved the stage to the center of the floor, with tables around it. Pretty neat. We finished watching the Napoleon DVD, it was a whopping 6 hours. It was pretty good, but they should have made it into a 25 hours series :P I hear there's a 3 dvd special version that goes up to 8 hours, damn. I'll have to keep my eyes open for it.. :)
I have still got a whole bunch of schoolwork to do (sorry for the whining) - it seems like they don't let off (anyone else tried to squeeze in 42 ECTS worth in a spring term?). It gets rough, I'm telling you. But hey, after this term's done, it's all steady sails from then on.
It's Saturday. I'm stuck inside writing papers, while Minna's already gone to the gym, and is now horseback riding. Later on she's going to go to Tavastia to listen to Funk with some girls. It is good at least someone is living it up for the both of us!
I had a great yesterday, so I'm all recharged and happy. I got the Kela thing sorted (they asked for some more information "or else", but I managed to get it, so there! up yours, KELA! Later on in the evening, we went out for supper, proper winin' and dinin'. You can figure out the rest... quality time.
I’m feeling pretty good both physically and mentally. The weather outside is fucking glorious. A walk doesn’t sound like a bad idea at all. I should fix Minna’s bicycle (the rear wheel’s blown). Hmm. I didn't go to work today. But I'll have to make this Saturdays shift up by working both next fri and sat. Oh well - then I'll see how it feels, whether I could stand it for another summer in a row. I think I already know the answer for that. You know, they've given me two weeks to decide if I wish to continue there for the summer or not. I'm pretty certain I'll say thanks but no thanks. I'll find something better. I don't see myself working there for another summer - I need to move on, progress. Maybe it'll happen quicker if I fire myself? Actually, I should let them fire me so that I can get unemployment benefits should I need them. So far, I have still yet to score a summerjob. I'm active and bugging people left and right, something's bound to come my way soon..
Anyway, life is good. Our

Conor & Jonna had their 1 year engagement anniversiry a while ago, and this picture is devoted to them! Sorry Conor old buddy :)