Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Busy times again

ahh crap. I worked both days last weekend. I have tons of stuff to do. School's keeping me busy, I'm lagging a couple of weeks behind on my english project: I'm supposed to type out 5000 words in 'academic style' on some business related topic. It's basicly practice for the final thesis. I'm planning on doing it on business ethics, should be easy enough to bullshit my way out of that one! Then there's projects for quality management, investments and cost management. I also need to prepare a presentation for a Seminar course, and so forth..

So far, I haven't scored as far as summerjobs go. I really have to call some companies up and ask what the hell is wrong with them, if I'm not good enough! :P

Something's wrong with me since I can't be efficient with me studies while I'm home. I do schoolwork best when I'm at school. Maybe it's because there's less distractions there (I sometimes stick around after lectures, and do stuff for a couple of hours).

I've been reading quite a lot lately, finished Troiat's Rasputin, Clostermann's Big Show, and Brown's "Bury my heart at wounded knee".

Apologies for the lack of updates, but I have my priorities - and right now they are elsewhere.

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