It's been great weather for the last week or so, it's really making a difference. It is light after around 7am, and gets dark only around 6pm. Plus it's great to see the sun. Blues skies rule!
On Thursday it was Minna's little brothers 17th birthday, and we went to eat some food downtown. Had 3 beers there. After having finished eating we come home, and Jake calls me up. We go to a nice local joint, Vanha Mestari for some 8-ball (games tied 3-3) and beers. On Friday I was hung-over and having cold chills. I went to my employers health care place and got a day's worth of sick leave for Saturday. I could have just called and agreed with my boss that I wouldn't show for Saturday - but since I was feeling sick I thought I might as well take it as sick leave. We had plans for the weekend, you see.
On Friday evening we set out to Hartola (~200km towards & beyond
On Saturday, shit hit the fan. Minna works in kindergarten, with children from ~1-5 years old.
There's been a series of eye infections rampant
there lately. So Minna apparantly received her eye infection from there. She could barely open her eyes since because of the oozing, yellow colored eye secretion making it difficult! After a quick breakfast, Minna's parents took her to a doctor where they gave her some eye drops, which started to help after a few administrations.
Anyway, while they were at the doc’s, I stayed at the cottage and was typing away at my laptop (well, it's borrowed: my brothers work laptop), trying to get the Academic Writing Project rolling... I was feeling sort of weak and chilly. I measured my temperature and had a lovely 38.7'c. I continued typing for about an hour still, drinking hot rum toddy. I only got about a page done.
What a waste!
The rest of the weekend was spent mostly lying in bed, drinking both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. I grabbed Burana's only before eating, because my appetite isn't the greatest if my temperature’s high.
Yesterday I went to the company healthcare place again, and received a throat culture (throat and tonsils swab). I'm about to call in for the results. It's possible I have a strep throat (forgot to mention it earlier). I'm getting sick of being sick! Fuck this, man. I got so much stuff to do and I can't afford it. It's starting to get so bad, that I'm starting to think of dropping one course. Guess which one? The Academic Writing Project. I'm not throwing in the towel just yet though.
Wish me luck, I'm stressed, pissed off & ill :P
1 comment:
Get well soon buddy - same for Minna! I know what it's like to be ill and have a lot of coursework. Hang in there!
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