Friday, January 07, 2005

On the mend

Hello there. I've been sick the last few days. Some strange flu struck me on sunday, accomppanied by a lovely addition of coughs from hell.

I managed to get outdoors today: first to the post office, to pick up the just arrived new li-ion battery for my digicam, Canon S40. I ordered it from digitarvike. Later on me & Minna went to Arabia's mall, where we shopped for some groceries and did some odd purchases (a 150cm tall mirror) and a flapjack pan :)

Later on today, we're going upstairs to my neighbour Connor's, where my buddies Ville & Ali will also be joining. The evening will consist of drinking (less for me, I'm still not 100%), going to the sauna, and who knows what.. Knowning Connor, there's gonna be lots of listening to Pearl Jam at least!

Minna & her friend Maisa are making Karelian Pies behind me as I'm typing. Let's hope they manage it, as it's supposed to be one of the more difficult types of bread/pie to make.

Link of the day, Dragon Illusion! make sure you watch the video.

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