Went to school at 10am, came home at 7pm. Ouch. I'm doing 42 ECTS this semester, and I bet there will be more days like this to follow. I can't afford to lose time or miss deadlines. Gotta have the discipline to do the work in time - or even ahead of time.. because otherwise the workload will pile up, and it'll get difficult. Anyway, the highlight of the day: I managed to go and play squash at 9pm - I lost 2-0, damn you Martti, you know it coulda gone either way! :P
Quick wrapup of the weekend:
Friday evening: It was most pleasant. We arrived at my parents house and were led straight to the dining table, where we proceeded to eat quite a bit. Me & Jarno (my big brother) had brought over some wine, as we knew our cousin Anne had carried some exquisite danish cheeses with her... The evening progressed, and wine flowed. It was nice to catch up again. We left for home around 1am.
Saturday: I didn't go to work this weekend, as I had other things to do (studying, recharging my batteries). Later on in the evening we had our ex-neighbours (the engineer fellow, who used to live in Connor's apt) housewarming party in Viikki. We stayed there for only around an hour, but it was good times! Our timing was sort of off... and anyway, we had another party to go to. Martti's long-time 'better half', Pia (or is it with two i's?) was having her going-away party. She's going on exchange to lovely Spain, for 6 months, grrr. The party was cool, great punch.. and an excessive number of potentially lesbian floorball players were there (the shame...) We left 'early', and were sleeping by 4am.
On sunday morning Minna went to a gym to do some neck/shoulder exersizes, and then riding, and later on cleaned the corridor! What did I do? I slept, I read, and catched up on some schoolwork - hoo-fucking-ray. Later on we went to M's parents, as seems to be the case almost every other sunday. All was okay untill me & M's dad went to our customary after-supper cigarette. We had the usual smalltalk about weather and all kinds of nice things like that, but after we got back, M's mom was trashing M's little brother's girlfriend (he's 16, she's 18), who had just left the house mid-supper to see a friend. It was like walking to a warzone. I'll not go into any gory details, but let's just say that voices were raised, tears were shed, and there was more than one storming out of the room-kind of thing. I stayed at the dining table and tried to talk & figure out what was going on, but it was difficult and generally speaking the whole thing sucked. What a fucking waste of a sunday evening. We ended up taking M's brother to our place for the night...
And of today, I already typed about. There you have it, folks. I haven't had any time to play HoI2 lately. That is not necessarily a bad thing - there's lots of better ways to spend (I wouldn't say waste, as it is a good game!) ones time. I've found it quite true that when there's lots of stuff to do, time does fly - indeed. Of course, it is presupposed that you do the things that need be done, be they house-, school-, or just regular work.
Screw this, I'm starting to sound old. I feel tired, I'll catch you all later.. got a long day of schooling to go to again, this time from 9.45am to 6pm.
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