Monday, January 10, 2005

Weekday morning number one

School started. I didn't go. I only had swedish, and I just couldn't be arsed about it. I managed to get a book for that swedish class. I chose Henri Troyat's Rasputin - it's around 200 pages, but well-written in a good style. Why read Astrid Lindgren or some other shit, children's stories? What good is that for language-learning purposes..

Tomorrow I'll be getting down and dirty with Quality Management and Investments. On wednesday I got Business Research Methods and Environmental Engineering. Thursday's it's Environmental again + some swedish. On friday it's just Cost Management. Not a bad period. I still have to finish a paper for Business Ethics, but it's almost done.

I really didn't want my holiday to end, it's a sad story isn't it? Getting back to studies is not so bad, starting the regular saturday shifts at work is. I've been working mostly only sundays for the last few weeks, with double pay. Now it's back to shitty saturdays, with shitty saturday pay. Guess my real worry is about summerjobs.. I'm rather going to starve than go back to where I was last summer. I'll take any pencil-pushing piece of shit office job they put my way. I'll work at a bank, at an insurancy agency, anything, but not that place. Down to earth logistics suck balls! That in my case has meant low-level *but medium pay* warehouse stuff. It was a huge leap down from my years in the IT sector, where the pay was good, and the benefits spectacular.

Today I woke up around 11, had breakfast.. went to the library to pick up the Rasputin book, proceeded to read a bit of it (it's hard) and later on made some chow with Minna. The daily grind, nothing much to write home about. You do your everyday chores and then try to cheer & stimulate yourself by doing something you think you might want to do. Most of the time it works, sometimes it doesn't, and you end up with a light case of the finnish disease, depression.

The modern day man is so busy keeping time and making time. But what's done with the time that's been fought for so hard? It's spent on dicking around doing nothing of any purpose.

Ain't it cool?

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